Milwaukee Catholic Home

Milwaukee Catholic Home believes that its residential, health care and support services should be provided in an environment of Christian love and compassion, respecting our resident's dignity, independence and self-esteem. While Milwaukee Catholic Home has a strong relationship to the Roman Catholic Church in terms of history, tradition and service, persons of all faiths are welcome. We support a philosophy of providing each individual with a program that allows them to stay as independent as they can for as long as possible. Milwaukee Catholic Home believes that residents have a right to privately contract for services that would allow them the independence that a more restrictive setting might not permit. Within that philosophy Milwaukee Catholic Home will provide a continuum of care that supports the needs of its clients and encourages them through a variety of spiritual, social, fitness and educational programs to decide which services best suit their needs. As our Christian Affirmation of Life affirms, we believe that our clients have the legal and moral right to decide to what extent, if any, a physician may treat their illness. Milwaukee Catholic Home will counsel and support clients, families and friends as they progress through the continuum that is Milwaukee Catholic Home.
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